The Caddy

My five top reasons hiring “The Caddy”.

The Caddy

1. Caddie Jokes:

Yes, indeed Mr caddy can be a very funny person! The jokes typically can flow from the first shot until the last shot played. However, never discount the quieter caddy as their funny one-liners tend to pop after the player’s wild shots!

The caddy with the wealthy golfer.

The golfers: “Golf is a lot like taxes: You go for the green and wind up in the hole.” Then the caddy says under his breath… “yup… just like your tip

After the ball clatters into a tree… the caddie comment is…

You can hit a 2-mile wide fairway 10% of the time, but you can hit a 2″ branch 90% of the time!!!!!

This is a typical story… Can you remember the number of times that caddies are smiling and joking on the 1st tee observing their players tee shots?

The Scottish Caddy: “Are you a scratch player?” (in a loud bomming Scottish voice)

The American Player: (sofly spoken American golfer) “That I am me boy – every time I hit the ball I scratch my head and wonder where it went.”

2. The Main Job:

Certainly, the main tasks are clubbing and identifying the shot playing yardage. Being 1st to the ball and finding the ball. Also, ensuring the correct yardage information is ready and suggested shots to play when asked. In summary just taking care of the golfer’s needs throughout the round. These days, you will find that most caddies will have a wet towel at the ready for cleaning the ball on the green. Along with extra tees, pencils and scorecards just in case they are required. Also, caddies are just nice people and enjoying life on the links. Pleasant to walk with and chat about all kinds of stuff over 18 holes or more. Finally, a lot of golfers I know started off working as a caddy at their local golf club and now they play golf. I say, use caddy positions as one of the tools to get more kids into golf!

3. Local Knowledge:

Notably, if you are looking for something locally, if you are stuck and you need help, ask your caddy! When you are looking for the best pubs in town to hang out? Of course, you need to know where the best on-course photo opportunities are, then ask your caddy. However, find a way to validate the caddy information, just in case that local knowledge may not meet your expectations!

4. Storytelling:

Clear the decks!!! After building a good rapport with your caddy. May I suggest asking him/her about the craziest golfers that they have caddied for? Some of the stories that I have heard are quite funny to hear about their previous customers and their on-course habits. Please note, that their stories may not be fact-based and a lot of extras added.

5. Taking pictures:

From iPhone to Huawei and all the ranges of Samsungs. Indeed, caddies are experts at operating all types of phones to take individual and group pictures.  Also, they will know the most suitable scenic location on the course for that quality picture. Simply, good locations for good photos creates great memories.

Dooley Noted!

Before you land in Ireland or Scotland for your pending golf tour we strongly recommend booking caddy in advance. Finally, take loads of pictures of each course that you play and especially of you and your caddy. Have a ton of golf fun wherever that may be! Watch out Airline Trashed my golf clubs.

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